Agilicus AnyX Frequently Asked Questions
AnyX – Initial Setup
older windows version does not have the Let’s Encrypt intermediates installed, preventing use of the Agilicus AnyX platform. How can I install the intermedia
Agilicus AnyX requires modern cryptography with a strong chain of trust. This is achieved using Let’s Encrypt.
Some older Microsoft Windows systems are not updated to have the proper cryptographic trust information installed. You should upgrade your Windows installation, but, if this is not possible, you can manually install the certificates.
First, download the .der file from for each of ‘X1 & X2‘.
For the X1 der and X2 der, open these on your desktop. You will be prompted to open the certificate manager. From here, Install, and pick the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”.
Now we must import these to the Machine trust as well (above we did your user). To do so, open ‘mmc’
Now press ‘Control-M’.
Select the X1 (and repeat for X2) certificate from earlier.
At this stage you should be able to install the Agilicus Connector.
Some customers have issues with their outbound or next-generation firewall. It might block their new domain name they use with Agilicus AnyX (e.g. We recommend configuring your firewall by hostname if possible. If it must be by IP, this could theoretically change in the future.
See “Firewall Configuration” for the specific rules.
Authentication, User Permissions
If you have a user who has signed in with one identity provider (e.g. Google) and you wish to change them to another (e.g. Microsoft Azure), or, the user’s email has been changed, use the ‘Update User Identity’ feature. This will disconnect the user from their existing identity provider, and, on their first new sign in, they will be adopted by the new one. Once you have selected thhis option you may change the user’s Email or switch them to a different identity provider.
On the “Access/Resource Permissions” menu in your administrative web interface you can control which users or groups have which permissions on a resource. See “Permissions” for more information.
By default you will have a ‘Shared’ Microsoft Identity Provider enabled. This allows anyone to sign in with any Microsoft account: Azure, Office 365,, etc. This is useful for 3rd parties, vendors, etc.
If you wish to force your users to sign in with your own Azure tenant (e.g. to enable auto-create), you may create a ‘Custom Authentication Issuer’.
You may use Time-Based One-Time Codes (TOTP) (e.g. Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc), or, any of the standards from the WebAuthn standard set (e.g. USB-based like YubiKey, Passkeys, TPM-based, biometric, etc).
Agilicus AnyX joins together (federates) a set of Identity Providers (IdP). As an end user, you will see this as e.g. ‘Sign In With Google’ or ‘Sign In With Microsoft’. The AnyX platform in turn presents these federated IdP as a new IdP. The Upstream Identity Provider is it original one that the user interacts with (e.g. Microsoft, Google, Active Directory Federation Services, etc).
Connector Diagnostics
dows Firewall prevents connector sign-in, ‘attempt made to access socket forbidden by access permissi
The connector and the launcher both might observe this error on a Microsoft Windows platform when trying to refresh credentials.
The normal operation of the Launcher is to be automatically refreshed via Profile when the desktop integration is installed. However, if the user does not have the desktop integration, or, the credentials have timed out, they will see the Launcher open a browser to facilitate a refresh.
As part of this flow, the Launcher will open a local TCP port (e.g. port 53210) on localhost.
Normally the Windows firewall will allow this since the port is localhost only. However, some environments require the Agilicus Connector & Launcher to be explicitly allowed in the Microsoft Windows firewall. In this case, you might see a message “bind: an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.”
The Agilicus Connector supports running in an Active/Active mode, with up to four instances running at a time.
Note that if the Connector exposes a Share, then it cannot run in Active/Active mode. Instead, consider an approach like a Agilicus Connector Windows Cluster.
Yes. First, you need to enable connector logging in Organisation -> Audit Destinations by clicking the Access and Authorization check-boxes. Your connectors will shortly start streaming their logs to Agilicus. You can see the logs in Applications->Diagnose. Fill in the time range you are interested in, then click View Logs. Note that you may see other logs related to your Organisation here. The relevant ones will have source_type
equal to agent-connector
No it does not. However, given that it will use TCP/IP to connect to them, it needs to be able to route to the IP it determines for the network, and any firewalls in between must allow access to that IP and the target TCP port.
Go to the Connector->Overview screen. Each connector reports an overview status here. “Good” means all instances of the connector are running, and that they are fully connected to Agilicus.
Go to the Connector->Overview screen. Your connectors will shortly begin to publish statistics. You can see a summary
of successful/failed connections in the overview table. Click Actions -> View Detailed Statistics for a breakdown of these stats.
Check that the connector itself is up (the ‘Good’/green in below). After you open the detailed statistics screen, reproduce the problem, and look at which counters increment.
As part of maintaining its connection to Agilicus, the connector reports some system information. In the Connector->Overview screen, click on the connector in which you are interested. The resulting expanded table shows each instance of the connector and the hostname of the machine on which it is running.
When establishing a connection to a Network, the connector first determines an IP with which to communicate with. If an Override IP is present in the Network’s configuration, it will use that. Otherwise, it will use the local system’s DNS configuration to do a DNS lookup of the network’s Hostname. It then establishes a connection to that IP using the local system’s standard TCP/IP stack.
You may have a local firewall which is blocking outbound communication. See ‘Firewall Configuration‘. Check the connector logs (on Windows, using EventViewer, on Linux typically with journalctl -fu agilicus-agent)
Your Network for the HTTP server may be incorrectly configured. The connector proxies HTTP requests at the application layer. If the HTTP server runs HTTPS/TLS, the Network must be configured to initiate an HTTPS/TLS connection, and it must trust the certificate presented by the server. Conversely, if the HTTP server is plaintext (unencrypted), but the connector is configured to expect TLS, it will fail to establish the connection.
gnose a faulty network service by capturing at the Agilicus Connector with Wireshark (Windows instructio
In some cases, Agilicus Support might be more effectively able to assist you with a packet capture from the machine running your connector. To do this, we can use Wireshark as below.
Install Wireshark
Open a browser to Select ‘Download’.
Open Wireshark, Start Capture
Double-click the primary/default network connection.
Now, reproduce the problem, usually a few times. For example, if you have a NVR which is not working, attempt to use it from the Agilicus profile interface.
Now, stop the capture:
Send the Capture to Agilicus
Depending on how long you have captured, this file can be large. Contact Agilicus via the ‘Chat’ interface in the web interface if you need a location to put the file.
Please describe what you were doing, what you observed, what was incorrect, and information about the network.
-user has received ‘upstream connection failed’, indicating that the underlying resource is not up/changed
The end-user receives this message on sign-in:
Message: upstream connection failed
Action: The upstream host could be down
This indicates the Agilicus Connector is up, and the user was able to sign in correctly, however, the customer-supplied application is either down, or unreachable from the Agilicus Connector.
A common issue is a change in IP/port of the application, you may change this as below.
To diagnose the issue, use the detailed stats from the connector overview page:
Connector Installation
I install the Agilicus Connector on an obsolete OS like Windows 7? What caveats exi
Microsoft has discontinued support for Windows 7 and Windows 2012. The Agilicus connector continues to run on these machines, however, it is important to have KB2533623 installed.
If the Windows 7 machine is missing KB2533623, the connector may fail to start. The update can be manually installed from:
Note: it is possible a superceding KB might be installed, e.g. KB3063858 or KB4457144 or KB3063858.
-gapped connector install fails with certificate revocation check error, add –ssl-no-revoke to curl to workaro
In some cases your air gapped environment does not allow Certificate Revocation List checking. This can occur if you have a server which has never been able to fetch the CRL. This can cause an issue installing, but not running, the Agilicus Connector.
If you see an error like “The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate” when you paste the installation command for the Agilicus Connector, add the parameter “–ssl-no-revoke” to the curl component. This will vary a little bit depending on your platform, but below is an example for a Windows platform:
curl --ssl-no-revoke -sSL -o "%TEMP%\aa.exe" && "%TEMP%\aa.exe" client --install --challenge-id XXXX --challenge-code XXXX && del "%TEMP%\aa.exe"
Once installed, this will not be a problem again.
If you wish to verify the Agilicus Connector executable, it is digitally signed.
We discuss this problem a bit more, and a generic solution for other components in “Locked-Down Networks Certificate Revocation“. If you are looking for a general purpose secure firewall solution that can forward Certificate Revocation, and only Certificate Revocation (including OCSP) without fixed IP address lists, please contact us, we have a full solution in this area.
older windows version does not have the Let’s Encrypt intermediates installed, preventing use of the Agilicus AnyX platform. How can I install the intermedia
Agilicus AnyX requires modern cryptography with a strong chain of trust. This is achieved using Let’s Encrypt.
Some older Microsoft Windows systems are not updated to have the proper cryptographic trust information installed. You should upgrade your Windows installation, but, if this is not possible, you can manually install the certificates.
First, download the .der file from for each of ‘X1 & X2‘.
For the X1 der and X2 der, open these on your desktop. You will be prompted to open the certificate manager. From here, Install, and pick the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”.
Now we must import these to the Machine trust as well (above we did your user). To do so, open ‘mmc’
Now press ‘Control-M’.
Select the X1 (and repeat for X2) certificate from earlier.
At this stage you should be able to install the Agilicus Connector.
The connector status can be found by checking the systemctl service status:
$ sudo systemctl status agilicus-agent
The Agilicus Connector runs as a Windows Service. Open the Windows ‘Services’ app and look for ‘Agilicus Connector’. The ‘Service Status’ will show the current status.
Navigate to your organization’s Agilicus Admin console. Under Resources -> Connectors -> Overview, the column named ‘Status’ reflects the real-time status of the connector.
The overall status is shown as ‘GOOD’, ‘DEGRADE’, ‘DOWN’.
Accurate globally synced time is critical to the proper operation of many modern cryptographic tools. It affects certificte allocation/revocation, sign-in audit logs, etc. See for further details to ensure the local machine time synchronization is setup.
Connector logs on Windows can be found in the Windows Event Viewer. Inside Event Viewer (Local) -> Windows Logs -> Application, See “Agilicus Connector – Microsoft Windows“.
The Agilicus Connector needs to be able to reach any service it is used to expose. For a share, this means running on a machine with access to the files. For a Desktop, it means being able to reach via TCP (port 3389 or port 5900 for RDP or VNC typically) the destination system. This might mean running on the same system, this might mean running on a device on the same network segment or inside the same firewall.
I install the Agilicus Connector on an obsolete OS like Windows 7? What caveats exi
Microsoft has discontinued support for Windows 7 and Windows 2012. The Agilicus connector continues to run on these machines, however, it is important to have KB2533623 installed.
If the Windows 7 machine is missing KB2533623, the connector may fail to start. The update can be manually installed from:
Note: it is possible a superceding KB might be installed, e.g. KB3063858 or KB4457144 or KB3063858.
General Diagnostics
End users interact with AnyX via Profile (at https://profile.MYDOMAIN). Each resource is represented by an icon. There are 3 ‘tabs’ (mine, requested, all). If an icon does not show in the ‘mine’ tab, but does show in ‘all’, the user is missing permission. If the icon does not show at all, try refreshing the browser.
-to debug a web application by sharing a HAR file after reproducing the probl
In some circumstances it is more efficient to diagnose a web application issue by generating a HAR file and sharing with Agilicus Support.
Google Chrome (And Derived Browsers Like Microsoft Edge)
In Google Chrome (and other Chrome-derived browsers such as Microsoft Edge), you can enter the developer mode (ctrl-shift-I or F12), and then select the ‘Export HAR (sanitized)…)’ button.
- Open a new incognito window.
- Click the more actions menu (…) to the right of the toolbar and select More tools – Developer Tools (or press F12 or CTRL-SHIFT-I)
- Select the Network tab.
- Ensure that Google Chrome is recording. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress. Otherwise, click Record network log.
- Select Preserve Log.
- Clear any existing logs by clicking Clear network log ().
- Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue.
- Click Export HAR (the down arrow icon) to export the file as HAR.
- Save the HAR file.
- To open the developer console in Firefox, click on the Firefox Menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser and select More Tools > Browser Console. You can also use Option + ⌘ + E (on macOS) or Shift + CTRL + C (on Windows/Linux).
- Refresh the page.
- Go to the Network tab and, click the settings icon (upper right side of the panel), choose Save All As Har.
Apple Safari
Ensure the ”Show Develop menu” in the menu bar is checked under Safari > Settings > Advanced tab.
- Visit the web page from where you want to export the traffic.
- Click Develop on the Menubar, then select Show Web Inspector. Refresh the page.
- Go to the Network tab and click Export on the upper right side of the pane.
Invoices, Billing
See “Organisation/Billing” in your admin portal (https://admin.MYDOMAIN). From here, select ‘VIEW/UPDATE PAYMENT INFORMATION”
See “Organisation/Billing” in your admin portal (https://admin.MYDOMAIN). From here, select ‘VIEW/UPDATE PAYMENT INFORMATION”
See “Organisation/Billing” in your admin portal (https://admin.MYDOMAIN). From here, select ‘VIEW/UPDATE PAYMENT INFORMATION”
Key Concepts
When you initially signed up to the Agilicus AnyX platform, you choose a domain (either your own DNS name with a CNAME, or, an Agilicus-supplied domain). Your domain looks something like You will have received a welcome email with this information, as well as have been automatically signed-in in your browser to e.g. https://admin.ORGNAME.YOURDOMAIN.
Resource – Desktops
Microsoft Remote Desktop client on Andro
In the Google Play store, install Microsoft Remote Desktop. Once installed, use the Agilicus profile (https://profile.__MYDOMAIN__) and launch the remote desktop icon for your resource.
The first time you run this, you may be asked to grant permission, as below.
ble interoperability between standard VNC clients and RealVNC® server by enabling VNC Password authentication mechani
RealVNC® by default uses a proprietary authentication mechanism, rendering it inoperable with standard clients. You can enable standard authentication as shown in the below image (enable VNC Password as an authentication mechanism).
You may also wish to see more detail about how to use the RealVNC as shipped with Raspberry PI.
TightVNC via command line allows specifying the specific display adapter number.
TIghtVNC also allows display offsets in the ‘Extra Ports’ configuration. By specifying a specific port (eg. 5091), a display offset can be configured for a monitor. Once the port is configured and known, a new desktop can be configured in the Agilicus Admin portal with the port number.
Resource – Launchers
ncher unable to bind on Wind
If you are using an Agilicus Launcher with Rockwell Studio rslinx to reach one or more PLCs, you may see an error “listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.”
This indicates you have another process running which has globally opened this port. You may find this process via:
netstat -an |findstr 44818
If you see a result like:
This means that there is a process running with this port globally, exclusively, open. You can find the process:
netstat -anb
and you will see the named process. Stop this process which has the port open exclusively, and, the Agilicus Launcher should now work.
To avoid this, you can either use a different port, reconfigure the exclusive process to use a specific IP (instead of, or, run the Agilicus Launcher first.
Resource – Web Applications
If you have an application hosted on a Subfolder/path in your Web Server
You may have an application hosted under a subfolder/path on your web server, possibly because it is better than having another server for it. For example: localhost:port/subpath, localhost:port/support etc.
To enable the subpath hosting for your application,
1. Go to Resources > Applications > Define and select the application from the drop down at the top of the page
2. Then in Security (tab) > Firewall Rules > HTTP Rules, change the / entry under path to your custom subpath (For example, /subpath)
3. Under Proxy (tab) > HTTP Rewrites, inside the Common Path Prefix field, enter your custom subpath again (For example, /subpath)
-to debug a web application by sharing a HAR file after reproducing the probl
In some circumstances it is more efficient to diagnose a web application issue by generating a HAR file and sharing with Agilicus Support.
Google Chrome (And Derived Browsers Like Microsoft Edge)
In Google Chrome (and other Chrome-derived browsers such as Microsoft Edge), you can enter the developer mode (ctrl-shift-I or F12), and then select the ‘Export HAR (sanitized)…)’ button.
- Open a new incognito window.
- Click the more actions menu (…) to the right of the toolbar and select More tools – Developer Tools (or press F12 or CTRL-SHIFT-I)
- Select the Network tab.
- Ensure that Google Chrome is recording. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress. Otherwise, click Record network log.
- Select Preserve Log.
- Clear any existing logs by clicking Clear network log ().
- Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue.
- Click Export HAR (the down arrow icon) to export the file as HAR.
- Save the HAR file.
- To open the developer console in Firefox, click on the Firefox Menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser and select More Tools > Browser Console. You can also use Option + ⌘ + E (on macOS) or Shift + CTRL + C (on Windows/Linux).
- Refresh the page.
- Go to the Network tab and, click the settings icon (upper right side of the panel), choose Save All As Har.
Apple Safari
Ensure the ”Show Develop menu” in the menu bar is checked under Safari > Settings > Advanced tab.
- Visit the web page from where you want to export the traffic.
- Click Develop on the Menubar, then select Show Web Inspector. Refresh the page.
- Go to the Network tab and click Export on the upper right side of the pane.
Web Applications use network resources. You can change where the network resource is accessed (either the connector it is bound to, or the hostname/IP/port that it is internally known as) by navigating to Networks/Overview.
The specific resource(s) will be named similarly to the web application, with -local-service appended.
gnose a faulty network service by capturing at the Agilicus Connector with Wireshark (Windows instructio
In some cases, Agilicus Support might be more effectively able to assist you with a packet capture from the machine running your connector. To do this, we can use Wireshark as below.
Install Wireshark
Open a browser to Select ‘Download’.
Open Wireshark, Start Capture
Double-click the primary/default network connection.
Now, reproduce the problem, usually a few times. For example, if you have a NVR which is not working, attempt to use it from the Agilicus profile interface.
Now, stop the capture:
Send the Capture to Agilicus
Depending on how long you have captured, this file can be large. Contact Agilicus via the ‘Chat’ interface in the web interface if you need a location to put the file.
Please describe what you were doing, what you observed, what was incorrect, and information about the network.
licus connector on an Apple Mac. There is no Apple server, so this is usually not needed, however, can be run under Dock
No, Apple does not provide a server platform since the XServe. The connector is supported on Linux, Windows, various embedded platforms like Synology, pfSense, Mikrotik, etc. To run the connector on an Apple Mac, you may use the Docker instructions (see Install Docker Desktop on Mac).
If you are an enthusiast, consider running the connector under Docker on your Mac.
No. The Agilicus AnyX is a SaaS solution, cloud based. In order to work with your Starlink network, you will install a small piece of software on a single device you already own.
Yes, the end user can use the web-based profile as well as the desktop based launcher. The desktop-based launcher requires OSX 11 (last supported version by Apple) or later.
You can see an animated diagram on the Agilicus Connector page. But in general, this works the same way e.g. a Google Nest thermostat works. Something inside your home network makes a persistent outbound connection to our cloud. When you are away, you will connect to our cloud, it will confirm your identity, and bridge you across these two outbound connections.
Agilicus AnyX is an implementation of Zero Trust, a security best practice. You will use single-sign-on authentication via your Google or Microsoft account (there are no passwords). You can optionally enable multi-factor authentication. All traffic is encrypted with TLS 1.3 HTTPS. You can configure firewall rules in this system for e.g. geo-ip based access, as well as other more complex rules. You will have a full audit trail of who used what when.
Agilicus AnyX is an industrial, business product. The large set of features may make it too complex for a consumer environment.
Agilicus AnyX is an excellent solution for web applications, for SSH (e.g. command line access), for a Share (e.g. file access), and for remote desktop (Microsoft Remote Desktop, VNC). If you have complex networking needs that require layer-3 routing this is probably not the right solution for you.
The Agilicus Connector supports many device types. Windows, Linux, OpenWRT, Synology. You can see more information on the product guide page. In general, the machine will need about 100MB of storage, 20MB of ram to operate.
It is very unlikely the Agilicus Connector will install on your camera.
We do not recommend using the RTSP feature of your camera with Agilicus AnyX. Instead we recommend using the HTTP interface.
Many security cameras have a web interface. If you have a URL you can use from your browser at home, then you can use it while away with Agilicus AnyX.
In most cases, if you have an NVR, this will work. If your camera supports ONVIF, we have specific support for some NVR with that.
Many people use Synology Surveillance Station or Shinobi NVR with Agilicus AnyX.
Sample setups for generic ONVIF cameras are here.
A sample setup for an older Hikvision is here.