Authentication Issuer – Custom Identity

Authentication Issuer – Custom Identity

When your identity provider is custom

An Identity provider holds the user database, and, authenticates users against it. Agilicus supports any OpenID-Connect based identity provider. This includes Okta, Microsoft, Google, etc.

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Authentication Issuer – Custom Identity

An Identity provider holds the user database, and, authenticates users against it. Agilicus supports any OpenID-Connect based identity provider. This includes Okta, Microsoft, Google, etc.

Most customers will use the ‘Shared Identity’ feature which is zero-touch configuration. However, some will wish to implement custom rules inside their identity provider, requiring creation of a ‘new application registration’.

To add a custom provider, select ‘add provider’

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You will see two choice: ‘Azure Active Directory’ (which will give you a guided walk through), or, ‘Other’. In other you will configure a row in a table.

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Once you have added the row, you have these columns:

  • name — what the user will see on the sign in page
  • issuer — the URI (e.g.
  • icon — from your theme, e.g. google, microsoft
  • client id — as given by your identity provider (e.g. TENANTID)
  • secret — as given by your identity provider
  • auto-create — if set, users will be created automatically in Agilicus if they can sign in via this upstream identity provider. Do not use with public providers.
  • type — Generic (or Microsoft for non-compatible extensions)
  • offline consent — if true, ask for consent to do refresh flow (aka offline)
  • request user info — if true attempt to fetch additional user info (e.g. group mappings)
  • issuer external host — leave blank typically
  • username key — blank (or e.g. username, email, etc)
  • email key — typically email
  • verifies email — if set the upstream provider forces verification of email address
  • redirect uri — the redirect URI to your Agilicus-provided authentication federation. Typically

You may also use the action-button (3-dots) to configure group mappings, these will import groups from your upstream identity provider automatically

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