AnyX Guide Topic: authentication

  • VTScada Single-Sign-On

    VTScada Single-Sign-On

    Enable single-sign-on, multi-factor authentication to VTScada for external users via Agilicus AnyX

  • Agilicus Connector Sign-In

    Agilicus Connector Sign-In

    The Agilicus Connector creates a service account on installation, bootstrapped via a browser from the Administrator who is installing it.

  • Azure Active Directory

    Azure Active Directory

    Azure Active Directory provides an OpenID Connect Federated Identity Endpoint. Learn how to configure.

  • Legacy Active Directory

    Legacy Active Directory

    On-premise legacy active directory with ADFS can act as an OpenID Connect Identity Provider. Learn how to configure.

  • Sign-In Errors

    Sign-In Errors

    Explain the various errors a user might see on sign-in

  • Azure Active Directory

    Azure Active Directory

    Azure Active Directory provides an OpenID Connect Federated Identity Endpoint. Learn how to configure.

  • Sign-In Theming

    Sign-In Theming

    You can theme the authentication (sign-in) screen your users see. Learn how.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication

    Multi-Factor Authentication

    Multi-factor authentiction. Configure how, when, how often, users are required to supply a 2nd factor to sign in.

  • Identity & Authentication Methods

    Identity & Authentication Methods

    You can theme the authentication (sign-in) screen your users see. Learn how.

  • Authentication Clients

    Authentication Clients

    The Authentication Clients implement OpenID Connect client id. This is an advanced setting, it is rarely required to configure. These are created automatically for each web application.

  • Users


    Putting the WHO to work Users A User is an identify which can authenticate against the Agilicus AnyX platform Concepts User A “User” is an identity which has a set of authorisations, a set of permissions. A user may be identified by one or more Identity Providers (e.g. Azure Active Directory, Google, Apple, etc.) Users’…

  • Authentication Rules

    Authentication Rules

    Authentication rules allow providing conditional-access rulesets during the authentication process. IP range, device, multi-factor, etc.

  • Sign in With Microsoft

    Sign in With Microsoft

    Sign in with Microsoft to the Agilicus Platform. Ramificatiosn of Shared vs your own Azure Active Directory Application.

  • Groups


    MANAGE PERMISSIONS Groups Groups allow simplified user management, decoupling role permissions from resource adding. Groups The ‘Group’ concept exists in several locations in Agilicus AnyX. It can apply to users (giving the ability to simplify permissions), to resources (also giving the ability to simplify permissions), and, to the system level (given administrative distinctions). System Groups…

  • Service Accounts

    Service Accounts

    A service account is a specific subset of permissions assigned to a non-human user. The most common use is the Agilicus Agent Connector.

  • Authentication Issuer – Custom Identity

    Authentication Issuer – Custom Identity

    An Authentication Issuer holds and confirms Identity. Configure your own custom ones here.

  • Authentication Audit

    Authentication Audit

    Authentication audit shows events related to user identity, each step, multi-factor, policies, locations, etc. E.g. ‘sign-in’ obtain id token.

  • Auto-Create Users From Specific Domain With Google Workplace

    Auto-Create Users From Specific Domain With Google Workplace

    Create a customised Sign In With Google (for e.g. Workplace with auto-create users)

  • Administrative Users

    Administrative Users

    Administrative users are assigned via System Groups (sysgroups). These allow you to control who can make changes, to what objects.

  • Authentication Issuer – Onsite Identity

    Authentication Issuer – Onsite Identity

    An Authentication Issuer holds and confirms Identity. Configure your own custom ones here.