Agilicus Connector – QNAP
Install the Agilicus connector on a QNAP NAS
QNAP Background
A QNAP NAS runs a custom Linux operating system, providing storage and other services in a consumer and small to medium business environment.
Installing the Agilicus Connector on the NAS can facilitate accessing the shares remotely, as well as providing a means of remote management.
The Agilicus Connector will run as a container on the QNAP. In order to do this, you must have the Container Station feature enabled.
Enable QNAP Container Station

Create Agilicus Connector as Container
There are two methods to this: via the QNAP Web management interface, and, via the QNAP shell. Both achieve the same objective. If you use the QNAP Web management interface, be aware there is an expiry time on the challenge-id when you are copying from the Agilicus admin interface.
Option 1: QNAP Web interface
You will copy 3 fields from the Agilicus connector install screen (Resources/Connectors/New): two environment variables, and one image. The image should be cr.agilicus.com/pub/images/agilicus-agent/client:stable and the environment variables will be AGILICUS_CHALLENGE_ID=XXX and AGILICUS_CHALLENGE_CODE=XXX. These latter two are only good for a few minutes, regenerate if it takes you longer.
You will likely want to mount /Share into /Share (via bind host mount path), allowing re-exporting shares via Agilicus Share.

Option 2: Paste via Shell
The command line given from the Agilicus Admin interface on the install new connector, docker tab, will work as-is, you can just paste it. However, you will likelywant to mount /Share into /Share (via bind host mount path), allowing re-exporting shares via Agilicus Share. You can achieve this by adding -v /Share:/Share into the command line before the image. This will look like:
docker run -d --name agilicus-connector --net=host -v agilicus_cfg:/etc/agilicus/agent -e AGILICUS_CHALLENGE_ID=XXXXXXXX -e AGILICUS_CHALLENGE_CODE=XXXX -v /Share:/Share cr.agilicus.com/pub/images/agilicus-agent/client:stable
You can check the status or logs with
docker logs -f agilicus-connector
QNAP Enable Shell Access
Below are two methods to enable a shell on the QNAP. Both will achieve the same objective.
Option 1: Enable SSH
Using the instructions at https://www.qnap.com/en/how-to/faq/article/how-do-i-access-my-qnap-nas-using-ssh, namely: “Control Panel/Network & File services / Telnet/SSH, Allow SSH connection”.
Option 2: Web Shell
Using the instructions at https://www.myqnap.org/install-the-repo/,

From the MyQNAP menu on the left, select ‘search’, enter ‘gotty’, and install.

You may now open a shell as:

Once in the shell, login as your username/password