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My team works outside, why can’t their Kronos Timesheet?

The application with the highest adoption in many companies is timesheet management. And, Kronos is one of the best ways of managing labour tracking, time, attendance. But what if your workforce is outside? Do you make them update their timesheet on return to the service centre at the end of shift? For efficiency would it not be better to enable people to update their timesheet where they are, with the device they have?

I know, you are saying, the VPN. Its my panacea. People can just VPN in. But, is that the best solution? Its certainly not the easiest solution, managing the client on various devices. Its certainly not the most popular solution. But at least its the most secure, right? Wrong. Your VPN is doing little to secure, and much to annoy, your team and your tools. When you connect via VPN your device suddenly behaves as if it were on the internal network. With access to more than it needs.

Zero Trust Networking is the principle of moving the protection from perimeter (moat and castle) to user + resource. It allows you to take that Kronos application, installed years ago, and make it behave as if it were a standalone Internet destination. With the same login. With higher security. With perfect audit. And, most importantly, with higher efficiency for that workforce you are trying to optimise.

Without re-architecting your network, without upgrading your Kronos, you could be having your team members access it directly. From any device. From any network. With less training, less complaining.

Want to learn more? Or change my mind? Email me, info at agilicus.com