The City of Kenosha’s Zero Trust Cybersecurity Transformation

In this on-demand webinar, we sit down with Tig Kerkman, Chief Information Officer at the City of Kenosha, to discuss their proactive approach to cybersecurity and how they seamlessly transitioned Zero Trust.


In this on-demand webinar, we sit down with the City of Kenosha’s Chief Information Officer, Tig Kerkman, to discuss their proactive approach to cybersecurity and how they seamlessly transitioned to Zero Trust.

Webinar Highlights 

In an increasingly digitalized world, how can municipalities fortify their digital landscape against cyber threats? Dive into the revolutionary approach of the City of Kenosha and their pivot towards a resilient, Zero Trust environment. This webinar is designed for municipal IT leaders eager to understand, embrace, and transition to a VPN-less paradigm, all while aligning with modern cybersecurity standards.

Highlights include:

The intricate cybersecurity challenges the City of Kenosha faced

A close look at their pivotal decision to transition away from the vulnerabilities of traditional VPNs

Kenosha’s transformative journey with Agilicus AnyX and the tangible benefits for their local government

Real-world results, reflections, and the lasting impact of their forward-thinking strategy

Expert insights on the rising importance of a Zero Trust Architecture for municipalities

The Speakers


Tig Kerkman, CIO at the City of Kenosha


John Chiappetta, Sector Expert at Agilicus

John leads Customer Engagement and Sales at Agilicus where he helps organizations overcome various cybersecurity and remote access challenges. He has extensive experience with emerging technologies such as Big Data, 5G, IoT, and Zero Trust Remote Access.


Learn even more about how the City of Kenosha’s proactively secured its future against evolving cyber threats and transitioned to a VPN-less environment using Zero Trust principles in an in-depth case study.