
Agilicus AnyX Survey

Help us help you. Provide input on areas we do well, areas we can improve, and suggestions new ideas.

What best describes your role with respect to Agilicus AnyX?*

What best describes your role with respect to Agilicus AnyX?*

Clear selection

How long have you been using Agilicus AnyX?*

How long have you been using Agilicus AnyX?*

Clear selection

How likely are you to recommend Agilicus AnyX to a friend or colleague?*

How likely are you to recommend Agilicus AnyX to a friend or colleague?*

Clear selection

If you are an end-user of Agilicus AnyX, please rate these features based on your satisfaction.
If you don’t use a feature, please skip it.

If you are an end-user of Agilicus AnyX, please rate these features based on your satisfaction.
If you don’t use a feature, please skip it.

Highly Dissatisfied
No Opinion
Highly Satisfied
Desktop Launcher
Web Application
Clear selection

If you are an administrator of Agilicus AnyX, please rate these items based on your satisfaction.
If you don’t use one of these options, please skip it.

If you are an administrator of Agilicus AnyX, please rate these items based on your satisfaction.
If you don’t use one of these options, please skip it.

Highly Dissatisfied
No Opinion
Highly Satisfied
Agilicus customer support
Support options (live chat, email, etc)
Reliability of the platform
FAQ / Documentation available for you
Admin Interface – navigation / usability
Webinar or Video resources available for you
Clear selection

My company uses Agilicus AnyX for (check all that apply):

My company uses Agilicus AnyX for (check all that apply):

Clear selection

In your own words, how would you describe how your company uses Agilicus AnyX?

In your own words, how would you describe how your company uses Agilicus AnyX?

Clear selection

Please rank the value for each of these items. If you don’t use one, skip it.

Please rank the value for each of these items. If you don’t use one, skip it.

Browser-only access
Multi-factor authentication
Outbound-only network access
Zero Trust compliance
No client usage
Direct desktop integration
Detailed audit
Clear selection

Above you were asked How likely are you to recommend Agilicus AnyX to a friend or colleague?

What was the primary reason for your score?

Above you were asked How likely are you to recommend Agilicus AnyX to a friend or colleague?

What was the primary reason for your score?

Clear selection

Any additional feedback / comments?

Any additional feedback / comments?

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